Investment pools
wHDF investment pools are designed to display real-time analytical data reports from ALL currently open investment pools, and each individual portfolio within that pool. You're able to see exactly what your asset manager is trading, their risk %, and more! Your funds are safe on our platform, we will never ask for access to your private keys, or personally owned wallet, and your funds will never be taken off of our platform, and are never handled by a third party! This is all made possible & able to be executed due & thanks to Whale's smart contracts.
Investors funds are 100% their own, they are just being managed by your asset manager, we are not a bank!
An investor is able to redeem funds from the smart contracts using their pool tokens when they withdraw. Only the pool token holder has access to the funds in the smart contract associated with that user's share.
Pool managers can raise funds to manage in minutes with dHEDGE and without third parties.
Managers have an incentive to manage funds with dHEDGE as they can place a performance fee tracking the pool's Return on Investment (ROI).
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